Do the charges come over automatically from In Touch EMR?

Yes! When the clinician documents each visit, he/she will enter the ICD and CPT codes as they move through the following sections in the clinical documentation process. - Subjective - Objective - Flowsheet - Assessment - Plan ICD Codes Are Selected In the Subjective Section of In Touch EMR CPT Codes Are Specified In the Flowsheet Section of In Touch EMR. This is the flowsheet section in In Touch EMR. Charges that are entered by the therapist will be sent over to In Touch Biller Pro automatic...

Transmission of ICD/CPT codes and modifiers work from ITE to ITB Pro

In Touch EMR and In Touch Biller Pro have built-in compliance mechanisms to minimize claim denials. It is essential that every single ICD-10 code that is used by the clinician is mapped to the claim with a supporting diagnosis. The clinician is now specifying: - Why a certain CPT code was billed (this can be documented in the flowsheet) - Which ICD-10 code it is mapped to (this can be documented in the billing tab, by entering a supporting diagnosis) If the clinician enters ‘1’ as a supportin...

Entering Charges Manually

This will show you how to enter Claims manually which is especially helpful for those clients not using In Touch EMR to document the encounter, or when you need to create a claim and are maintaining documentation in another format. If you are currently not using In Touch EMR for documentation, you will need to enter charges manually within In Touch Biller Pro. If you would like more information about In Touch EMR; and how it is integrated with In Touch Biller Pro, please contact our support te...

Denial Defender Feature

The Denial Defender feature acts like a “pre scrub” for your claim. It will check for common errors including incorrect coding, codes that need modifiers, etc. If there are no red lights under the Denial Defender, you can move ahead and click “Create Claim” If there are red symbols, the system will show you the possible reason for the claim issue, you can easily review and correct the issue. Re-run the Denial Defender once you are done with the changes. - Ready To Create Claim No red symbo...

Managing Claims

Manage Claims is the place to go to proactively work on claims that need to be billed or re-billed. There are 2 ways to access the clinic’s list of claims, here’s how: 1. On In Touch Biller Pro’s Dashboard/Home Page go to Billing > Claims then click on Manage Claims. 2. Another way is to access the Shortcuts Menu found on the right side of In Touch Biller Pro’s Dashboard/Home Page. You will be brought to this page where you can access the list of the claims that came from In Touch EMR to I...

Tracking your Claims / Claims Follow Up

The claims in the Claims Follow-Up feature have been billed, but have not yet been paid. The dollar amounts represent the totals at the end of the previous day. However, after the dollar amounts are selected, the claims displayed include real-time information regarding the status and payment details. To access it go to (1) Billing > (2) Claims > (3) Claims Follow Up The diagram below shows the following claim status types: - Transmitted - Paper Printed - Acknowledged - Pending Received ...

Secondary Payer Insurance details on the Primary Claim

When working on your claims, it is important to know that the secondary payer information associated with the claim automatically populates on the charge entry page. Where can I review the secondary payer insurance information on the claim? If your patient has a secondary payer entered in his/her In Touch Biller Pro chart, the secondary payer information automatically populates in the claim after the note has been finalized. This will automatically appear in the claim form under Billing and Pr...

Unapplied Payments Lists and How to Post Them

Where do I find the list of all unapplied patient payments and how do I apply them to the proper claims? This help document will walk you through the necessary steps to locate your Unapplied Patient and Insurance payments, as well as how to properly apply them to outstanding claims. Billing To locate a list of all Unapplied Patient Payments, go to: - Billing - Payments - View Unapplied Patient Payments Payments Overview The Payments Overview screen will give you a list of all the Unapplied...

View Payments and How to Post Payments

This section will show you how to view all of our payments by insurance or patient. Where can the patient's payments be viewed? To view payments applied to a patient’s account, go to the “Billing” tab at the top. Choose “Payments” from the drop down. Payments can be viewed according to: - Insurance - Patient - Day How do I post payments (patient payments, EOBs, etc.)? There are times when payments come in b...

Applying Patient Payments At The Time Of Claim Creation

How do I apply patient payments at the time of claim creation? Outstanding patient payments can be applied to claims at the time of claim creation. Once you have opened the Charge Entry (CMS 1500) Claim form screen and reviewed the claim information, scroll down and you will see a list of [Unapplied Patient Payments]( applicable). To apply a payment (or payments) to the claim, enter the payment ...

Apply an Insurance Payment Manually (Primary )

Apply an Insurance Payment Manually - Primary This section explains the steps involved in applying an insurance payment to a claim manually. This help page provides the steps involved in manually applying an insurance payment to a claim. An insurance payment can be applied from a patient’s chart, from the Charge Entry page, or from the Payments Overview page. This help page reviews the process from a patient’s chart. Note: It is assumed that the payment has already been posted prior to beginni...

Apply an Insurance Payment Manually (Secondary)

Apply an Insurance Payment Manually - Secondary This help page explains the steps involved in manually applying a secondary insurance payment to a claim. The secondary claim must be created before a secondary insurance payment can be applied. - When the patient account number does not match the HF Claim ID, use the Advanced Claim Search located next to Get. - Search by patient name, provider, payer, service date, created date, or charges. Only one search criteria is required. - Click the Claim...

Posting Payment Level Adjustment (EOB/ERA)

This document will review the process of posting a Payment (EOB/ERA) Level Adjustment. These adjustments appear on the first page of an EOB/ERA and either increase or decrease the applied/unapplied amount. These should be posted as they appear on the EOB/ERA to confirm proper balancing of the check. Note: It is important to confirm these are posted before applying to claims or the check will not balance and will have to be voided and the user will have to start all over again. This document im...

Generating A Patient Refund

How do I generate a patient refund (due to overpayment, etc.)? This section explains the steps and reasoning for refunding an unapplied balance. When a payment is posted in In Touch Biller PRO the entire amount of the payment is in the unapplied status. If the unapplied balance of the check is paid back to the patient or insurance the balance should be refunded. Note: When refunding the unapplied balance the amount will be reported against monthly revenue for the office. The refund option shou...

Generating Patient Statement

Where can a Patient's Statement be Generated? Patient Statements A patient’s statement of account can be generated from main dashboard. Select “Billing” from the top menu. Click on the last option, “Statements”. Generating Statements From the Statements page, you can: 1. Choose a Statement template previously saved ...

Creating Secondary Billing

Where can the Secondary Billing Statements be Generated? Secondary Billing To access the secondary billing, mouse over to the(1) Billing tab on the menu bar and select (2) Secondary Billing: Creating the secondary claim prior to finalizing the primary claim (applying payment and/or adjustments successfully) may result in an inaccurate AR. Secondary billing is recommended prior to generating patient statements. There are three types of secondary claims: Electronic: This is electronically tran...

Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA)

An Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA) is the electronic version of a paper Explanation of Benefits (EOB). This article covers the ERA Dashboard and how to manage an ERA. Benefits of ERAs: - ERAs are electronically received from the payer, which expedites the process over postal mail service. - ERAs can be automatically posted and may be applied to one or more claims with a few easy steps. This feature is quicker and more efficient than manually posting and applying a payment. - From the menu ...

Creating A Secondary Claim

Secondary Billing - Single This lesson will tell you how to create a single secondary claim. The majority of secondary claims should be created using our secondary billing batch option. If a secondary claim is not created, the patient will have a balance from the primary claim. After the secondary claim is created, the patient’s balance from the primary claim is transferred to the secondary payer’s insurance balance. This process is known as coordination of benefits (COB). Note: Do not submit...

Setting Up Fee Schedule in In Touch Biller Pro

Inside In Touch Biller Pro, you can set up your own fee schedules for different payers. The fee schedules help simplify the claim creation process, and are meant to be used as internal resources. How do I set up my fee schedule in In Touch Biller Pro? What is the fee schedule and where do I set it up? Fee schedules are available to help streamline the [claim creation]( process by auto populating the fee associated ...

Where To View and Reconcile ERAs, and How to Auto-Post Them

In In Touch Biller Pro, you can auto-post all your ERA’s after easy review. You can also download your ERA document as a PDF file. This section will show you where to access and auto-post your ERA’s. Where can Electronic Remittance Advice's (ERA's) be viewed / reconciled, and can they be automatically posted with just one click? Viewing ERAs To view and reconcile the ERA’s: Go to the “Billing” tab and click on “Electronic Remittance Advice ERAs (ERA)” ERA From this screen, you can navigate...

Entering an Existing Patient Balance

This help document will show you how you can enter an existing patient balance into your In Touch Biller Pro account. This will be necessary if you have patient’s with prior balances from your existing billing system, and they still need to receive an updated statement from your clinic. How do I enter an existing patient balance in In Touch Biller Pro? To enter an existing patient balance in In Touch Biller Pro, first go to the patient dashboard/chart. Patient Charges Once on the Patient cha...

Setting Up Procedure Code Panels

This help document will walk you through the process of setting up custom Procedure Code Panels. These are best used when setting up non-claim charges, or custom codes used for billing. How do I create a new procedure code panel for non-claim charges? In Touch Biller Pro gives you the option to customize your Procedure Code Panels in order to bill for Non-claim charges. To set up a Procedure Code Panel: - Go to Admin - Click on Procedure Code Panels in the middle column https://intouchbille...

Payment Details Screen

This section explains the options available in the payment details screen displayed after clicking the “Payment Detail” link from “Claim Status” screen or after clicking the Claim ID in the payment application process. Links available in the “Payment Details – Payment Posting” screen Summary of Functionalities: - Patient Information - Related Claims - Claim Details - Service Lines Payment Details - Claim Notes - Activity Log - Void and Repost - Back to claim status (From Payment Details) - Ba...

Write-Off Patient Balance and Void Payment (applied to claim)

This help document will walk you through the process of voiding a payment that has already been posted to a claim and how to write-off a patient balance. Voiding a Payment Note: When voiding a payment the amount will not be reported against monthly revenue. Go to the list of applied or unapplied payments. From Billing > Payments > View Insurance/Patient Payments - Hover mouse over PMT ID - Click “Void Payment” Payment Details - Enter Note - Click “Yes, Void Payment” Note: Voids wil...

Patient Ledger

Patient Ledger Use the Patient Ledger feature to view a patient’s charge and payment history. Review this help section for a thorough understanding of the Patient Ledger’s functionality. - Hover over Billing on the menu bar, select A/R Ledgers, and then click Current Patient Ledger. - To navigate to the patient’s chart, click the chart number. - To navigate to the Payments Overview page, click the dollar amount under Patient Status. - Note the account status. Guarantor Ledger - To navigate...

Correcting A Payment Applied to a Claim

Use this process when the incorrect adjudication information was applied to the claim and needs to be corrected. Correcting a Payment Already Applied to a Claim STEPS: 1. Search for Claim 2. Click “Payment Details” 3. Expand “Activity Log” and click “Void” 4. Repost payment After clicking the “Void” option the screen will reset and the adjudication information can be edited as needed. Note: Payments have to be corrected in time sequential order. Thus if two insurance payments were applie...

Voiding an Unapplied Balance

This section explains the steps and reasoning for voiding an unapplied balance. When a payment is posted in IT Biller PRO the entire amount of the payment is in the unapplied status. If a portion of the check is applied the amount of the check can not be edited. If the remaining balance of the payment does not belong in IT Biller PRO it should be voided. How do I Void an Unapplied Balance? Note: Only use the Void option if the payment was never reported as revenue. If the Unapplied Balance is ...

Payment Correction or Reversal

This section explains the steps involved in applying a correction and reversal. A correction and reversal must be completed when the original payment amount on the claim has been increased or decreased. Note: It is assumed that “[Apply Insurance Payments Manually- Primary](” has been reviewed. The claim must be finalized in order to perform a correction and reversal. - Search for insurance payment (S...

Print a Paper Claim

This document explains the steps involved in printing a paper claim. Before claims can be printed the “Administration – Printer Configuration” training document should be reviewed and completed. The “Administration – Payer Maintenance” training document should be reviewed for adding mailing addresses to payer. Paper claim charges are created in the same fashion as normal claims in “Charge Entry.” While in “Charge Entry” the claim transmission should be set to “Print Locally” and the payer addre...