An Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA) is the electronic version of a paper Explanation of Benefits (EOB). This article covers the ERA Dashboard and how to manage an ERA.
Benefits of ERAs:
- ERAs are electronically received from the payer, which expedites the process over postal mail service.
- ERAs can be automatically posted and may be applied to one or more claims with a few easy steps. This feature is quicker and more efficient than manually posting and applying a payment.
- From the menu bar, hover your cursor over Billing and then click Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA).
- You are navigated to the ERA Dashboard.
ERA Dashboard
All ERA activity occurs on the ERA Dashboard. There are six status-related tabs and an ERA search tab.
- Use the drop-down menu under Status to manually change the status of an ERA.
- If all claims in the ERA belong to a previous practice management system, download the file and mark the ERA as Reconciled.
- If the ERA needs to be marked for follow-up, change the status to Flagged.
- All ERA statuses may be automatically marked by the system when the auto-post function is performed or manually by choosing a different ERA status message.
- Auto-post is an automated process to post and apply an insurance payment across one or more claims.
- New: All new ERAs that have not been viewed or posted.
- Viewed: ERAs that have been viewed, but still need to be worked/reconciled.
- Reconciled: When the ERA is finalized/auto-posted, the status changes to Reconciled.
- Flagged: An ERA that needs to be reviewed and reconciled.
- All: All prior statuses combined.
- Auto-Post Status: Recent auto-post statuses.
- ERA Search: Allows for a variety of search options.
- Use the View, Payment Type, and Processed Date filters to narrow your ERA search results. A one-month date span is selected by default.
- Email and SFTP Signup (optional):
- Set up an email notification for new ERAs. Only one email address may be set up.
- SFTP signup is intended for SFTP users who would like to set up end-to-end automation with ERA retrieval.
Download/Upload ERAs
- Download All PDF: Download multiple ERAs into PDF format.
- Download All 835: Download multiple ERAs into 835 ANSI format.
- Download All 835 ZIP: Download multiple ERAs into a compressed zipped 835 ANSI format.
- ERA File Upload: Upload ERAs from a third party into MediTouch. This is useful for auto-posting purposes.
- Select the payer and click Choose File to browse for the file on your computer.
- Click Submit. If uploaded successfully, these will operate as a MediTouch ERA.
Search ERAs
- On the ERA Dashboard, click the ERA Search tab. You can also perform searches from the ERA File Upload page.
- For additional search criteria, click Click for Advanced Search Options.
- Enter your search criteria.
- Click Search.
ERA Details
- Download Single ERA: Options to download the ERA details in PDF or 835 ANSI format.
- Paid Claims: List of paid claims
- Denied & $0.00: List of unpaid claims
- Auto-Post Status: Displays the status of auto-posted claims.
- A check mark indicates that the auto-post succeeded.
- A red flag indicates that the auto-post failed.
- Flagged Claims: Displays the claims that are flagged for review.
- Auto-post actions can be performed from any tab.
- Select the check mark of the desired claim and then select an action from the drop-down menu.
- Click Submit.
- Click the patient's name to view the patient's ERA details (displays below).
- For a PDF of the ERA, click the PDF icon.