This section explains the steps involved in applying a correction and reversal. A correction and reversal must be completed when the original payment amount on the claim has been increased or decreased.
Note: It is assumed that “ Apply Insurance Payments Manually- Primary” has been reviewed. The claim must be finalized in order to perform a correction and reversal.
- Search for insurance payment (Same as “Primary”)
- Click “PMT ID” (Same as “Primary”)
- Enter/Search Click “Claim ID” (Same as “Primary”)
Note: It is easiest to use the HealthFusion claim ID in this process. If the search feature is used, the “View” drop-down selection may have to be changed to “Charges with zero balances” in order for the claim to display.
- Check “Post Correction & Reversal.”
- Adjudicate according to EOB
- After clicking “Post Correction and Reversal” the screen will refresh, and HealthFusion will populate the reversal line.
- If an additional payment was received, combine the old and new payments and enter into the “Ins Pmt” column. In the example to the left, an additional $25 was received, only $100 moved to PR, and the remaining sum was moved to an insurance adjustment.
Tips and Tricks
- As long as the amount being subtracted from the reversal line is equal to the amount being added to the correction line, the payment can be posted.
- The above example replicates the previous scenario, but in this case, only the PR (Copay) is decreasing and moving to the insurance adjustment column.
- -187.72 (Copay) in the reversal line
- +187.72 ($100 Copay, $82.72 Ins Adju.) in the correction line
- The $-100.00 payment was deleted and was not added in the correction line
- On occasion, when the unapplied balance is in short, the subtraction must be performed before all claims that have received payment can be applied. Ensure that all corrections and reversals involving a subtraction have been applied before deciding to void and start the posting process over because the check did not balance.