This section explains the options available in the payment details screen displayed after clicking the
“Payment Detail” link from “Claim Status” screen or after clicking the Claim ID in the payment
application process.
Links available in the “Payment Details – Payment Posting” screen
Summary of Functionalities:
- Patient Information
- Related Claims
- Claim Details
- Service Lines Payment Details
- Claim Notes
- Activity Log
- Void and Repost
- Back to claim status (From Payment Details)
- Back to Payments
There are two options to get to the “Payment Details – Payment Posting Screen”
- When applying a payment to a claim, after clicking or entering the Claim ID. Step 4 in with a patient payment and step 3 with an insurance payment.
2. By clicking the “Payment Details” link after searching for a claim.
Details of Functionalities
1. Patient Information
Link to the chart (blue chart#), view demographic and insurance information, view unapplied payments for the patient, and the “Alert on Scheduling” will be displayed.
If this is a new secondary claim, click to highlight the desired finalized claim and then click COB.
The secondary claim screen mimics a CMS-1500 form. If the primary charge was properly balanced, all of the required information will automatically populate and the claim can be submitted without any additional steps. Simply scroll to the bottom and click Submit
Clicking the insurance name blue link will display the following information
- Address
- Number
- Effective and Term dates
- Last Checked date (eligibility)
- Policy Holder and relationship to insured
- Plan Name
- Group Number
- Co-pay and Co-Ins
2. Related Claims
View the primary or secondary claim adjudication
3. Claim Details
Edit and resubmit; copy and create new claim, Delete, Create COB, or Print the claim.
Appeal the Claim by placing a check mark by the service line DOS (left) and clicking “Update”
Note: When a claim is marked for appeal it will be made available on the “Claim Status Dashboard” appeal bucket and the claim will remain in the AR.
4. Service Lines Payment Details
Use this option to display summarized adjudication information per service line.
5. Claim Notes
Add a note to the claim to keep a log for information purposes. We recommend adding a note every time the payer is contacted, the claim is resubmitted, and/or any other action was taken with
the claim.
6. Activity Log
Expand the activity log to display detailed adjudication information for all service lines and claim level postings.
Note: A link to the PMT ID is available.
7. Void and Repost
If coming from the claim – Copy the Claim ID from the “Claim Details” section and click the PMT ID
to begin the option to Void and repost adjudication process. Continued on next page….
Note: No Void option in the above screen shot
If coming from the payment – click Void to begin the Void and repost adjudication process.
Continued – If coming from the claim – Copy the Claim ID from the “Claim Details” section and click the PMT ID to begin the option to Void and repost adjudication process.
After clicking the PMT ID, reenter the Claim ID and click “Get”
Click Void to begin the Void and repost adjudication process.
The screen will reset after clicking Void and the adjudication can be reentered.
8. Back to claim status (From Payment Details)
If navigated to by the “Payment Details” link, a “Back to claim status” will be made available. This link will return to the previous list of claims.
9. Back to Payments
“Back to Payments” will bring the user to the “Payments Overview” screen.