Patient Ledger

Patient Ledger

Use the Patient Ledger feature to view a patient’s charge and payment history. Review this help section for a thorough understanding of the Patient Ledger’s functionality.

  • Hover over Billing on the menu bar, select A/R Ledgers, and then click Current Patient Ledger.

  • To navigate to the patient’s chart, click the chart number.
  • To navigate to the Payments Overview page, click the dollar amount under Patient Status.
  • Note the account status.

Guarantor Ledger

  • To navigate to the Guarantor Ledger page, click Guarantor Ledger.

Post Patient Payment

  • To post a patient payment, click Post Patient Payment.
  • Select the location, provider, and deposit date.
  • Enter the payment date, select the payment type, and enter the payment amounts .
  • Click Post Payment.

Patient Payment History

  • To display the patient’s payment history, click Patient Payment History.
  • Hovering the cursor over the Payment ID displays options for that payment.
  • To navigate to the Payment Details page, click the Payment ID.
  • Clicking the blue dollar amounts navigates to that balance in the ledger view.
  • Unapplied patient payments are totaled in the Amount column.
  • The Credit column indicates which amount within the Amount column is designated as a credit.
  • Applied to Claims without Insurance Pmt totals the dollar amount applied to claims that do not have an insurance payment.
  • Options to filter and sort the displayed charges are available.
  • Review charge amounts, payments, adjustments, and remaining balances. Quick links and a drop-down menu are available to navigate to multiple pages. Use the blue “+” icon to display details.

  • After clicking the blue “+” icon, individual CPT codes display. Use the blue “+” link for Claim History to view all claims associated with the charge.
  • After clicking the blue “+” icon for Claim History, all claims associated to the charge display. This includes resubmitted claims and secondary claims. To display Claim Notes and the Activity Log, click Details.

  • To add a claim note, enter the note and click Post Note. This note follows the claim to the Claim Details and Payment Posting pages.
  • Review details of all payments applied to the claim with details of adjustment codes used.
  • A quick link for the Payment ID is available. Use this link to void or repost the payment.

Print Ledger

  • To download the patient ledger (as a PDF) according to the filter chosen, click Print Ledger.