Tracking your Claims / Claims Follow Up


The claims in the Claims Follow-Up feature have been billed, but have not yet been paid. The dollar amounts represent the totals at the end of the previous day. However, after the dollar amounts are selected, the claims displayed include real-time information regarding the status and payment details.

To access it go to (1) Billing > (2) Claims > (3) Claims Follow Up



The diagram below shows the following claim status types:

  • Transmitted
  • Paper Printed
  • Acknowledged
  • Pending Received
  • Not Finalized

Note: The “Claims Follow-Up” dollar amounts initially represents the totals at the end of the previous day. However, once the dollar amounts are selected, the system updates to include real-time information regarding the status and payment details.


  • The Transmitted tab displays claims that have been transmitted.
  • Transmitted claims that have been accepted are marked with a green T in the Claims Status section.



Paper Printed

  • Paper Printed tab displays claims that have been printed on paper.


  • The Acknowledged tab displays claims that have been acknowledged by the EDI gateway (999/Sent to Payer), and a received message is NOT expected from the receiving payer.