Initial Steps - Getting your In Touch Biller PRO Account Ready

Welcome to In Touch EMR and In Touch Biller Pro! By this time, you have already submitted the order form back to us. The following are the next steps in the process of getting your In Touch EMR and In Touch Biller PRO account ready. - Fill out the following forms: - In Touch EMR Service Agreement - In Touch EMR Privacy Policy - In Touch Biller PRO Quick Start Guide - Provide us with your staff information: - Full name of your staff members - Designation in the company - A unique email addre...

Setting Up your ITB Pro Account

Now that you have your In Touch Biller PRO login, you will need to set up the following In Touch Biller PRO - Check the [Provider Maintenance Set Up]( (this is crucial as it may affect your claims) - Check and manage your [Calendar Resources Set Up]( - Check the[Locations](https://privatepracticehelpdesk.ladesk...

Fast and Easy Payer Enrollments with Our Clearing House

When switching billing software, the payer needs to be notified as to which clearinghouse all your claims will be received from moving forward and which clearinghouse they need to start sending the ERAs to. ERAs (electronic remittance advice) are information in an electronic data interchange (EDI) version of a medical insurance payment explanation. It provides details about provider's claims payment, and if the claims are denied, it would then contain the required explanations. Your ERAs will ...

Account Maintenance

This is an area to edit the name on the account, email address and location. Also, you will be able to change your password as well as security questions. To start, go to Admin and click on Account Maintenance On the Account Maintenance screen, you will be able to edit the following: - First Name - Last Name - Email Address - Clinic Location - Change Password - Choose a Security Question

In Touch Biller PRO and In Touch EMR Workflow

In Touch EMR and In Touch Biller PRO Integration Process There are four steps involved in the integration between ITE and ITB Pro. Please note that: 1. ALL PATIENTS must be created and edited in ITB Pro for the patient data to be automatically updated in ITE. Please do NOT edit or create patients in ITE. 2. ALL PROVIDERS must be created in ITB Pro and assigned as a calendar resource to show in ITE. Once this has been set up, please do NOT edit providers in IN TOUCH BILLER PRO and ITE. 3. ALL...

In Touch Biller PRO Home Page - Dashboard

When you log in to In Touch Biller Pro, the list of shortcuts is on the right side of the HOME PAGE screen. You will see shortcuts related to: - Patients - Claims - Administration & Customer Support If you have administrator access, you will have the ability to make changes on the default Landing page for your users. Go to Admin > User maintenance > Landing Page [(click here to access the video training in the training course - Please be advised that you will need to have access to th...

Provider Maintenance - Important to check before claim submission

We highly suggest that you check the provider maintenance page set up prior to starting claim submission to ensure that all claims are submitted correctly. This part of the setup allows the administrators to enter all applicable data for the rendering and billing providers. To check the provider maintenance follow these steps: Click the Administration Tab and look for Provider Maintenance. Click the edit icon under options. Select the Provider/Submitter Roles The role selection allows the ...

Calendar Resources

Only the users with administrator designation, you can make changes to the Calendar Resources. From the menu bar, click Admin and then click Calendar Resources. Add a Resource The calendar resources are: - Rendering providers - Rooms or equipment - Walk-in lists [calendarResAdd]( - Click Add a Resource. - There are options to edit, archive, and delete a resource. - To filter the displayed resources, enter a search ...

Setting up Location

We highly suggest that you check the location page set up prior to starting claim submission to ensure that all claims are submitted correctly. The Locations administration page is where you enter all necessary address information for your clinics. This address information is used for scheduling, charge entry options, claims/reporting, and print and mail statements. The locations are selections in Charge Entry and box 32 on the CMS-1500 claim form. These locations can be selected in the [provi...

Types of Calendar Appointment

One of the first things that you need to set up when you have a new In Touch Biller PRO account is creating your own Calendar Appointment Types. Go to the Admin section and click on the Calendar Appointment Types - From the menu bar, click Admin and then click Calendar Appointment Types. - Select an Appointment Type from the drop-down menu. - Assign a time length for the appointment. - Color Code (optional): Click into the color code box, which is black by default. Select the desired general ...

Setting Payers

We highly suggest that you check the payer maintenance set up prior to starting claim submission to ensure that all claims are submitted correctly. To check the payers follow these steps: Choose your payer from the Nextgen Office Payers and click Add to add it on your payer list: Details About Payers There are three types of electronic payers: Claims Only, Real-Time Only, and both Claims and Real-Time. The payer type is indicated by the Payer Id information in the parenthesis following their...

Referral Resources

This part of the setup allows the user to enter the NPI for the referring, ordering, and purchased service providers. The referring provider can be selected in box 17 (2310A, 2420F). The ordering provider can be sent in the 2420E. The purchased service provider can be sent in 2420B. - From the menu bar, click Admin and then click Provider Maintenance. > - Click the button to add a new referring provider. - Enter the NPI. After the NPI is entered, the name autofills. - If the NPI is unkno...


Please note: Once your providers are created in In Touch Biller Pro, do not edit them in any way as this may cause integration issue between In Touch Biller Pro and In Touch EMR. Each time that there are any changes in your staff, let us know. We will be the one to add the users for you. INSTRUCTIONS: User Maintenance is where you may add or edit user IDs to access In Touch Biller PRO. You may also add or edit user information, preferences, permissions, and roles. The setup and use of user ID...

Fee Schedule

From the menu bar, click Admin and then click Fee Schedule. - Click New Fee Schedule. - Enter the fee schedule’s title. - Select Charge Amount or Expected Amount. There are two types of fee schedules: charge fee schedules and expected fee schedules. Charge fee schedules autofill the fee for the CPT code, while expected fee schedules autofill the allowed amount, which is used in underpayment reporting. - Select the Location to be associated with the fee schedule locality (based on Medicare). - ...

Billing Slips

This section allows for the creation of a billing slip (encounter form). A billing slip is used to print out for each patient on the schedule for the day and indicate what code(s) should be billed. This utility is not required, but is recommended for Practice Management only clients. EMR clients would not utilize this feature. - Select "Billing Slips" from the "Admin" page. - Select "New Billing Slip." Enter name and select template: - 1 page, 3 columns, CPT, ICD, and headers only - 2 page, ...

Procedure Code Panels - Non-Claim Charge Codes

This article describes how to create a non-claim charge code in procedure code panels. A non-claim charge is created when the billing of an insurance code is not required. Examples of non-claim charges include missed appointment fees, records, supplements, and returned check fees. - From the menu bar, click Admin and then click Procedure Code Panels. - Click New Procedure Code Panel. - Options to edit, copy and delete are available. - Enter the panel name. - Select the Non Claim Charge CPT Co...

Statement Templates

You can create templates that autofill the filters available on the Billing: Statements page. These filters determine which patients receive a statement. To navigate to Administration: Statement Templates - Click Admin. - Click Statement Templates. Create a Template - Click New Statement Template. Options to edit , copy , and delete are available. - Name the Template. - Select the Statement Formatting options. - Select the Rendering Providers: All Providers or Selected Provider if you wa...

Printer Configuration

If you are printing paper claims, you must configure your printer. This page describes how to align your printer to a red CMS-1500 claim form. Important Notes: - A red CMS-1500 claim form is required. - Supported browsers are Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. - Must allow pop-ups. - Confirm the browser’s PDF settings. You may experience difficulty with printer configuration if the browser’s PDF settings are not set to the correct defaults. For instructions, go to the [Recommended Browser PDF ...

Recommended Browser PDF Settings

INSTRUCTIONS: Your Internet browser’s PDF settings may affect the way paper claims print and how certain documents display in the browser. For information on how to configure your printer to print claims, refer to [Administration: Printer Configuration]([.]( Google Chrome Make sure that you have the most recent version of Chrome. - Click Chrome ...