We highly suggest that you check the location page set up prior to starting claim submission to ensure that all claims are submitted correctly.
The Locations administration page is where you enter all necessary address information for your clinics. This address information is used for scheduling, charge entry options, claims/reporting, and print and mail statements.
The locations are selections in Charge Entry and box 32 on the CMS-1500 claim form. These locations can be selected in the provider maintenance setup and populates all address lines except the name in box 33.
To check the location follow these steps:
- To add a new location, click Add Location at the bottom of the page.
- To edit an existing location, click the edit icon.
Add/Edit Locations
- Enter the location name.
- Enter the abbreviation (five characters) for the location (optional). This is used to customize the first five characters of the location in the payment batch ID (the default is the first five characters of the location).
- Enter the address. The city and state autofill when you enter the zip code.
- Enter the work phone number. To add more phone numbers, click
- Enter the fax number.
- Select the office hours. This is used for scheduling only.
- Select the time zone.
- Select the place of service. The place of service is used to default the charge entry service line POS when the location is selected in Charge Entry.
- Click Save Location Info.
Upload Locations
- To facilitate the setup of clients with many locations, you have the ability to upload a CSV file containing location details.
- To search for the file, click Choose File.
- Click Open.
- Click Upload. The location is added to the location list.
Optional Settings
There are three optional location settings. Select the appropriate checkbox to apply the location setting.
- Set the default place of service for all service lines when the location is not selected in charge entry.
- Set the default location for the statement mailing address.
- Note: Only one statement mailing address per account is permitted. Only one location can be the default location for the practice, but each provider ​can have their own settings.
- Set the location where medications are prescribed.
- Click Save Location Info.
Optional Location Primary Identifiers
- The NPI can be entered to fill in box 32a.
- The CLIA Number can be entered and will auto fill on the claim if the location is selected in charge entry. Do not enter a Tax ID code or SSN unless all payers request this data.
Optional Location Secondary Identifiers
If a secondary ID is required in box 32b it can be entered per payer. This option is only available after saving the information initially.
- To add a location ID, click Add another Location ID.
- Select the payer, enter the ID, and select the ID type.
- Click Save.
Location Billing Defaults
You have the option to add default billing providers for either selected payers or for all payers.
- To associate a default billing provider to a particular payer, click Selected Payers.
- You can edit an existing default billing provider or create a new location billing provider. To add a new location billing provider, click Add another Location Billing Provider.
- Select a payer and a default billing provider.
- Click Save
- To associate a default billing provider to all payers, click All Payers. All Payers will auto-populate as the Payer.
- Select the Default Billing Provider.
- Click Save
- If you have selected payers associated with billing providers and now want to have all payers associated with a billing provider, you will lose all payer preferences for the selected payers. Click Continue.
- On the Billing & Providers tab of the Charge Entry page, the billing provider will autocomplete based on what was set up for the patient's payer on the Locations page.