Facebook Tab Editor is a powerful new marketing feature from Facebook that enables you to provide an incentive for visitors on your Facebook page to like your page and become a part of your database.
From your home screen, simply click on the Facebook Tab Editor.
It will prompt you to this page:
1. Description: Enter a description of your Facebook Fan page tab.
2. Facebook Page: For Facebook Page, click on the "Get Facebook Page List" button. You will then see a pop-up window that will ask you either to log in on your Facebook Account or request your permission to add the app to your page if you are already logged in. Just click on "Go to App" and then "allow".
Facebook will let you choose which of your Facebook fan pages would you like to add. Just click "Select" to choose the fan page you want to use. The name of the fan page will now appear next to the Facebook Page.
3. Tab Name: You will need to create a Tab Name which will be the name of your tab as displayed on your Facebook fan page.
4. Tab Image: You can also upload a tab image which will show up as the picture of your tab in the Views and Apps Toolbar on your fan page.
5. Like-gating: Prior to a person liking your page, you can customize a before liking page that displays maybe a sneak peek of what they will get for hitting the like button.
Click on "Create" and you will be prompted to the Facebook Page editor, where you can design your actual Facebook fan page tab.
You can easily create a great-looking tab by clicking on Select Template. If you have selected the like-gating option earlier, you will see a before-liking tab and an after-liking tab which you can customize and apply templates to.
Click on "Publish" , and the like-gating page will show up on your Facebook fan page.