Loyalty Programs

Loyalty Programs

Our Loyalty Program allows you to create and manage a paperless rewards program using mobile phones. Plus, when members join your program, their contact information will be saved for your future marketing and promotional campaigns!


How to Set-up a Loyalty Program

From your home screen, click on Loyalty program. It will prompt you to the next page, and just click on create. 

Once create button has been selected, a new pop-up window will appear wherein you need to fill out the Program, Point, and Reward Setup. 

1. Program Set-up : This is where you will set-up on how the customers can access the program, and for how long the program would run. 

  • Loyalty Member Access By: The members/customers can access the program in either website or SMS. 
  • Description: This will serve as the "Title" for your program. 
  • Program Duration: This will let you choose on how long the program should run. It can be fixed or unlimited. 

2. Loyalty Keyword Set-up: This is where you enter age restriction and the keyword that a member should use. 

  • Age Restriction : Enter here the minimum age of your intended recipients for your message/alert. 
  • Keyword: Enter here the keyword the member should use to join the program.  

3. Point Set-up : This is where you can set the pointing system for your program.

  • Points for Joining : You can give a set amount of points to your members when they first join your Loyalty Program. 
  • Maximum Point Restriction: You may click on the box to limit the number of points a cashier can give any one member in a certain time frame. 

4. Reward Set-up: This is where you can set up the reward system. You may put in here the description for a reward and how many points is needed to get a certain reward. To do this, just click on the add button, and it will open a pop-up box. 

  • Reward Name: You may put here what the reward is. For example, a "Free Appetizer" or a "50% off". 
  • Reward Description: This is where you should describe how the reward works. For example, "This offer is only available every weekend", or "Valid only for one transaction".
  • Point Needed: You should put here how many points are needed for a member to claim the reward.  

5. Cashier Set-up: This is where you should set-up the cashier. You should put here a username, a valid mobile number and password. 

  • Username: Enter here the username for the cashier. 
  • Register Mobile Number: This is where you will verify an existing phone number. 
  • Password: Make a password for the cashier. 



Once all the set-up is done, click on Create button. 


How Loyalty Program Works