Day End Review
The Day End Review allows users to confirm all charges have been entered for the day. Options to enter and confirm charges makes the process simple, and quick links navigate to related billing and scheduling information.
- Hover cursor over "Schedule" and "Day End Review" and select a day.
- Details for each appointment can be reviewed. This includes:
- Billing Slip ID
- Time
- Patient Name
- Procedure(s)
- Appointment Status
- Claim ID
- Claim Status
- Patient Payment
- Charges
- Filter the view by using the "Date," "Provider" and "Location" options.
- If a charge has been created for an appointment, the Procedures, Claim ID, Claim Status, and Charges will be displayed.
- If a charge has not been created for an appointment, the Charges column will display an "Enter" link.
Click Enter to navigate to Charge Entry to create the claim.
Hover the cursor over the Billing Slip ID and select "View PDF" or "E-Bill" to view the billing slip. For more information about Billing Slips, review the training document, "Billing Slips."
- Hover the cursor over the Appointment Time to reveal appointment options.
- Click a patient's name to navigate to the patient's chart.
- Click the Claim ID to navigate to that particular claim.
- Click "Print Report" to print the report in PDF format.
At the bottom of the Day End Review, a summary of appointments, charges and payments is provided to help reconcile the day's activities.
- Appointments: the total number of appointments for the day.
- Missing Charges: the number of appointments without a claim created.
- Patient Payment Collected: the total amount collected from patients during check-in and check-out, broken down by payment method: check, cash and credit card.
Whenever there is Missing Charges, make sure that you enter claims accordingly.
Once you click on "Enter", it will route you to the "Create a Claim" page.