Other Useful Information


Within In Touch EMR you will see the Screenlock icon in several places.

This icon allows users to switch views by collapse/expand the screen, you can maximize the pages you see in In Touch EMR

Once clicked the icon and the whole left tab will now be hidden and the whole page expands to the space where the left tab used to be. 

Users can find the same icon in the Library list in both Subjective and Objective part of the documentation.  Once clicked, it will hide the list of templates.  


The Tooltip icon is very helpful, to provide some helpful guides and snippets of information as a quick resource.

Once clicked, this will provide a pop-up with information that will help the users. 


Guided Tour

When the Ivy Assist feature is turned on, users will be able to see a "Click here for Guided Tour"  button at the bottom right of the screen. 

This will be helpful for new users as it will provide a walkthrough of how to use the software. 

It will start pointing to areas within the page and provide users with helpful information and description. 


To review the lesson on how to turn on the Ivy Assist feature, click here.