Staff - Set Up - Fundamentals

Note: Only the administrator of the account can edit the set up for other staff members. Also, administrators can nominate other users to be an administrator to obtain administrator privileges.

In this lesson, we will provide you with the list of staff information that you can edit as an administrator. 


Accessing the Staff Profile Edit Page 

  1. Click Administration
  2. Choose Staff
  3. Click the Edit Icon under the Action column



Here are the different components that can be seen under the Staff Profile Edit page:


1. Username -  This is provided by In Touch EMR and cannot be edited 

2. Classification - In Touch EMR will set the classification for each user based on the information the clinic provided during the initial set up. Only In Touch EMR can change the classification for each user. Please notify the customer support team if you want to make changes. 

3. Click here to add a license, NPI and clearinghouse details - The administrator will have the ability to add all this information to the user profile except for the NPI which is already added for you by In Touch EMR during the initial set up. Please notify the customer support team if you want to make changes. 

4. First Name and Last Name-  In Touch EMR will set the First Name and Last name for each user based on the information the clinic provided during the initial set up. Please notify the customer support team if you want to make changes. 

5. Suffix - The suffix is for the provider specialization that will appear after their name on the document signature. e.g MD, DC, PT, RN.

6. Email - The administrator has the ability to change the staff email. The email is important to facilitate password resets and authentication. In Touch EMR requires that you add a valid email address and has not been used before by any users. 

7. Cellphone - The administrator has the ability to change the staff cellphone number. The cellphone number is important to facilitate authentication for security purposes. 

8. Language - The administrator has the ability to choose which language will apply to the user. 

9. Live Chat Enable - This allows the administrator to disable and enable the chat for a user. 

10. Access Rights - click here for a more in depth lesson on Access Rights 

11. Category  -

  • Active Staff - by default each user created by In Touch EMR is active and ready to be used.
  • Inactive Staff - 2 reasons for inactive staff. When a user tried to log in with the wrong password 3x it will lock out their account and change their status to inactive. When the clinic informed In Touch EMR that a user is no longer employed within their clinic. We do not delete the user as to not delete all the history, documentation, etc that has been created by that user. Inactive providers will not be seen as an option on the calendar resources drop-down list. 

12. Picture - To upload staff pictures. Acceptable image file formats include jpg, jpeg, png, and gif. File size limit is 5 MB.

13. Signature - To upload staff signatures. Please be advised that this is the signature that will appear on the PDF for finalized documents. It is required that all providers upload their signature. 

14. Administrator - This is to turn on / off administrator rights for a user.

15. Ivy Assistant - This is a feature in In Touch EMR that guides you and provide you lessons through each pages. You can turn on or off this feature. This is good for new users but can be a nuisance for old users. This appears as a button at the bottom of the page with a text "Click here for Guided Tour". 


   Once clicked, it will show a pop up like this:

16. Productivity Customization - By default, this is set to 'NO' for all providers. When set to 'YES', the user is able to customize the items visible on the Control Center under the 'Productivity' tab, by choosing whether the following are visible or not:

  • Upcoming Appointments
  • Documents in Progress
  • Documents for Review
  • Completed Documents
  • Finalized Documents
  • Amendments

17. Alert Customization - By default, this is set to 'NO' for all providers. When set to 'YES', the user is able to customize the items visible on the Control Center under the 'Alerts' tab, by choosing whether the following are visible or not:

  • Referral Predictor
  • Productivity Predictor
  • Upcoming Birthdays
  • Expiring Prescriptions
  • Expired Prescriptions
  • Progress Note Countdown
  • Expired Progress Notes
  • Re-evaluation Countdown
  • Expired Re-evaluations

18. Default to Current Date - If you always want the current date to be the information provided by the Calendar.