Referral Resources

Referral Resources 

In this lesson you will learn the following:

  • Adding Referral Resources
  • Searching Referral Resources 

Adding Referral Resources

As an integrated user, you must enter the referring physician's information in In Touch Biller ProClick here to review the lesson on how to add Referral Resources in In Touch Biller Pro.

Once the Referring Provider has been associated to a patient chart in In Touch Biller Pro, it will come over to In Touch EMR and gets added to the Referral Resources list. Click here to review the lesson how to associate the referring provider to a patient chart in In Touch Biller Pro 

NOTE: There are times that the referring physician cannot be automatically populated in In Touch EMR coming from In Touch Biller Pro. The reason for this is that the NPI of the referring physician may not exist in the In Touch EMR NPI database. There are several reasons for this, including the physician not providing updated NPI information to the NPI database, incorrect / missing information in the NPI database and in some cases, an older version of the NPI database (which does not have the physician’s information). Typically, this happens in 10-15% of the physicians.

If the referring physician doesn’t automatically come over from In Touch Biller Pro to In Touch EMR, you will need to manually enter the referring physician into In Touch EMR.

To manually enter the referring physician's information, log in to In Touch EMR and follow these steps:

  • Go to Referral Sources.
  • Select Add Referral Source.
  • Enter the Referring Physician's information and select save. (Fields marked with *asterisk are mandatory)
  • Click the 'Save' button.


You will have the option to also add the Address, Marketing (For Therapy Newsletter Clients only), and Miscellaneous notes. 


Importing Referral Resources 

In the Import Referral Source tab, the users will have the ability to upload a whole list of referral sources to their account. This makes it easy to upload a list in bulk. 

Click the "Download Template" button and it will automatically download an excel spreadsheet into the user's computer.

The user must fill out all the mandatory fields (indicated with an asterisk) for that referral resource to be uploaded. But since one of the main purposes of having the referral resource on the list is to be able to fax documents directly from In Touch EMR, we highly suggest that you add fax numbers for each resource. 


IMPORTANT NOTE: The spreadsheet must be saved as a .CSV file. (This is the only file type that the system will accept).

Once uploaded, the system will prompt the users to review all the resources that were uploaded prior to clicking the upload button. 


Searching Referral Resources 

To search for a Referral Resource, click the Referral Resource tab and click on Referral Resource Locator. 

In the Referral  Resource Locator page, you will be able to filter your search based on the following:

  • Name 
  • Classification - Choose from the drop-down list what type of doctor specialization was assigned to the referral resources.
  • Referral Strength - Choose from the drop-down list to filter the list based on whether the Referring Provider is currently Referring, Not Referring, or Hidden.

Users can also hide referring providers.


Assigning Referring Providers

Once a Referring Provider has been associated to a patient chart in In Touch Biller Pro, that will automatically reflect in In Touch EMR chart. But if you wish to make changes to the assigned Referring Provider on a patient chart in In Touch EMR, you will have that ability.  Click here to review the lesson on how to edit the patient chart 

Users also have the ability to assign different Referral Resources to each episode. Click here to review the lesson on how to assign a Referral Resource to an episode


Referral Resources Not coming over from In Touch Biller PRO

There are times when the referring physician cannot be automatically populated in In Touch EMR coming from In Touch Biller Pro. The reason for this is that the NPI of the referring physician may not exist in the In Touch EMR NPI database. There are several reasons for this, including the physician not providing updated NPI information to the NPI database, incorrect / missing information in the NPI database, and in some cases, an older version of the NPI database (which does not have the physician’s information). Typically, this happens in 10-15% of the physicians.

If the referring physician doesn’t automatically come over from In Touch Biller Pro to In Touch EMR, you will need to manually enter the referring physician into In Touch EMR.

To manually enter the referring physician's information, log in to In Touch EMR and follow these steps:

  1. Go to Referral Sources.
  2. Select Add Referral Source.
  3. Enter the Referring Physician's information and select save. (Fields marked with *asterisk are mandatory)
  4. Click the 'Save' button.


After the referring physician has been added to the Referral Source list, go to the Patient's Dashboard to associate or link the referring physician to the patient.

Here are the steps:

1. Click on 'Episodes'.
2. Click on 'Assign Referral Source'.

3. A pop up box will appear. Choose the name of the referring physician to link to the patient.
4. Click on the arrow going to the right to move the selected physician's name.
5. Click on 'Update Episode'.

Go back to the patient's dashboard and the physician's name would appear on the patient details section.
