Logging in, Signing Out and Resetting Password

Welcome to In Touch EMR!


Logging in to your In Touch EMR Account

Once you have received your username and password from your account manager, you can start logging in to your In Touch EMR account. 

To log in, go to www.intouchemr.com and click on the Member Login button.


Once clicked, this will direct the user to the In Touch EMR sign-in page. The page will have the username and password box for the users to enter the login details provided by the account manager. 

IMPORTANT: We highly suggest that you bookmark this page to easily access it in the future. Here is the link:  app.intouchemr.com/ite/login.xhtml

To be able to log in, click on the tick box to agree to the terms and conditions of In Touch EMR.  If you wish to review the agreement, you can click on the link provided. 


Once ticked, this will turn the "Please check the Box Below" instruction to a "Sign In" button.


Once the Sign In button is clicked, the user will be sent to either the verification screen or direct access to their account. 


Verification Screen

Certain scenarios will prompt users to verify their identity prior to logging in to their In Touch EMR Account

  • First time logging into the account
  • New location
  • New IP Address
  • Unusual login activity

In these instances, instead of being able to access the system, the user will be sent to the verification screen. 

The screen will display the cell phone number that has been listed on file for that user.

Click the Verify button and the system will send out a text message to the user with the verification code.

The user must enter the code provided and click on confirm. 


This will now direct the user inside their In Touch EMR account. 


Signing Out

On the upper right-hand corner of the screen, the user will find his email address. This is also an indicator, which account was the user log in to. 

Click on the email address and several drop-down options will appear. 

Click the Sign-out option and it will direct the user back to the sign-in page. 


Forgot Password

If the user is not able to remember the correct password for their account, users can click on the Forgot Password option from the sign-in page. 


Once clicked, this will ask for the email address associated with the login. 

After the email has been entered and the user clicks the Reset Password button, an email will be sent out to the user. The email will have a link to reset the password. 


The link will direct the user to a page that will ask the user to provide a new password and confirm that new password. 

IMPORTANT:  In Touch EMR system requires that the password contains at least 8 characters. It must have 1 special character (e.g. ! @ # $ % ^ & ?)  and a capital letter. 


Unsuccessful Login Attempts 

Incorrect Password Entered 

If the user enters a wrong password, the system will notify that there has been an unsuccessful login attempt. 

On the first unsuccessful login attempt, it will provide this error message. 


On the second unsuccessful login attempt, the system will already provide a warning that on the 3rd unsuccessful attempt, the account will be locked. 


On the 3rd unsuccessful attempt, the client will be provided a screen notifying that the account has been locked.



Administrators of the clinic have the ability to unlock the account by setting it back to Active. Click here to review the lesson on how administrators can activate inactive users.