In this lesson, you will learn the features available in the Dashboard.
There are 2 pages in the Dashboard:
- Control Center 1.0
- Control Center 2.0
Control Center 1.0
There are 2 tabs under Control Center 1.0
Note: The Productivity and Alerts tab can be customized by going to the Administration page of your In Touch EMR.
Click on Administration > Staff
Then click on .
Productivity customization
By default, this is set to 'NO' for all providers.
When set to 'YES', the user is able to customize the items visible on the control center under the 'productivity' tab, by choosing whether the following are visible or not.
1. Upcoming Appointments
2. Documents in Progress
3. Documents for Review
4. Completed Documents
5. Finalized Documents
6. Amendments
Alert customization
By default, this is set to 'NO' for all providers.
When set to 'YES', the user is able to customize the items visible on the control center under the 'alerts' tab, by choosing whether the following are visible or not.
1. Referral Predictor
2. Productivity Predictor
3. Upcoming Birthdays
4. Expiring Prescriptions
5. Expired Prescriptions
6. Progress Note Countdown
7. Expired Progress Notes
8. Re-evaluation Countdown
9. Expired Re-evaluations