Dashboard Features

In this lesson, you will learn the features available in the Dashboard. There are 2 pages in the Dashboard: - Control Center 1.0 - Control Center 2.0 Control Center 1.0 There are 2 tabs under Control Center 1.0 - Productivity (https://privatepracticehelpdesk.ladesk.com/640781-Control-Center-10---Productivity) - Alerts (https://privatepracticehelpdesk.ladesk.com/395453-Control-Center-10---Alerts#top) Note: The Productivity and Alerts tab can be customized b...

Control Center 1.0 - Productivity

Productivity Features available in the Productivity Tab: - Name of Provider - This dropdown box provides an option to view a specific provider or ALL provider's information - Upcoming Appointments - Shows all upcoming appointments for the next 5 days - Date of Appointment - Type of appointment - Name of Patient - Clinic Location - Name of Clinician - PDF icon - to print the list of upcoming appointments - Document in Progress - Shows all documentation th...

Control Center 1.0 - Alerts

Alerts Features available in the Alerts Tab: - Referral Predictor - Analyzes and interprets increases and decreases in referral trends, and generates an overview of those trends over a two week time period. - Productivity Predictor - Analyzes patient retention rate, cancellation rate, and patients seen per clinician - Upcoming Birthdays - Provide a list of patients with upcoming birthdays. It will show the name of the patient and their Date of Birth. The PDF icon allows you to pri...

Control Center 2.0

Control Center 2.0 Features available in the Control Center 2.0: - Name of Clinician - On the drop-down, choose the name of the clinician that you want to see the information - Calendar - This will have similar information as the Calendar tab. This is for viewing only. No changes on the calendar can be done. The appointments are not clickable. - Documents for Review - Shows all documentation that is received to be reviewed by the chosen provider - Custom Alert - You can create your own custo...