Summary of Outcome Measures

Measuring health outcomes is central to assessing the quality of care. Outcomes measures can be very useful in quality improvement programs, by pointing out the areas in which intervention could improve care

This is the reason why the Outcome Measure is one of the important part of the In Touch EMR documentation.

On the Add-on Section, a summary of all the Outcome Measure can be generated.

The Outcome Measure page will appear. The users can use the filters providers to search for a particular patient or dates. 

The user can also choose from the drop-down option if there is a specific Outcome Measure questionnaire to filter. 

The result will show the following information 

  • Name of the patient
  • The appointment date.
  • Document type.
  • The classification of the outcome measure
  • The score of the test
  • An option to download or view the document questionnaire