Auto Complete List
The auto-complete sentence feature allows you to enter in a short alphanumeric code into your documentation that will cause an entire sentence to populate into the documentation.
This will allow the users to save time by not having to type long phrases, sentences, or paragraphs that they constantly use in their documentation.
While inside the documentation section, you will find the Auto Complete list of short codes above the main tabs (Subjective, Objective, Flowsheet, Assessment, Plan of Care, and Claim review. This Auto Complete List button will be accessible all throughout the documentation in all sections.
Once clicked this button will provide a pop-up that shows all the available short codes for the clinic.
There are 2 tabs available:
- Customized - All the codes that have been created by the user and will be available to everyone within the same clinic.
- Global - codes that have been created by In Touch EMR available to all users.
The pop-up contains the short codes to be entered in the text boxes, the text value that will appear once the user hits the tab key. You can search by code or by sentence.
Categories of Short codes:
- Specified- these codes can only be used in the designated area of the documentation that the user had indicated. The list indicates only which part of the documentation this short code can be used (e.g. Subjective).
- Global - these codes can be used in all text boxes inside In Touch EMR.
How to use the Short Codes
Within In Touch EMR there are text boxes. Just type the short code within the text box and hit the tab key or click out of the textbox. It will automatically populate the text value assigned to that short code.
Customizing your Own Auto Complete Short Codes
The user can create customized short codes by clicking the Add Ons tab and choose Auto Complete Text.
Enter the desired short code (up to 6 characters). If the code entered is currently being used by another clinic, the system will prompt you that it is being used and you need to create a different code.
Choose the category for this new code. If it is a specified category, the user must choose which part of the documentation this short code will be available for use.
Enter the Text Value. (a maximum of 750 characters is allowed)
Users will be directed to the Auto Complete Short Code page.
- Short Code - this is the code you will enter to create the sentence. The short code should be a maximum of 6 characters. It is not case sensitive.
- Category - You can choose to have your short codes work throughout your documentation or only in a certain section (Flowsheet for exercise codes, Plan for goals, etc.)
- Text Value: This is the sentence that will appear in the documentation when you enter in the short code.
Click save once all fields are completed.
The newly created short code should now appear on the Customized list.
Auto Complete Text list
- Customized - This is the list of codes that are created by the user. Short codes created by the user in a clinic can be viewed and used by other users within the clinic.
- Global - These are default codes that are automatically put into every In Touch EMR account.
- Export Customized Short Code List - Once clicked this button will show a PDF file that contains the list of all short codes.
- Category - Informs users in which part of the system this particular short code can be used
- Global - Can be used in any text box in the system
- Specific - it will provide only a specific location within the system. e.g. Subjective, Objective, Flowsheet etc
- Edit - allows users to edit the short code
- Delete - allows users to delete the short code
Users can also search the codes either by short code or by the text value.