Patient Dashboard - Amendments


Once a document has been finalized, it can no longer be edited. If there is any need to add or correct information, the user can add an amendment. 


Creating Amendments 

Under the Completed documents section in the Patient Dashboard, within each finalized document, there is an Amendment Button (marked as A). 

Once clicked, a pop up appears that will ask you to provide information. Sections with asterisk are mandatory fields. Click Record Amendment once completed.  

Once the amendment has been recorded, the Amendment "A" button changes from green to a blue color. 


Accepting Amendments

Each Amendment needs to be reviewed and accepted prior to being added to the documentation. To accept the documentation, click on the Amendment "A" button again. 

Once the pop up appears, click on view. It will provide you with the information entered for that amendment. 

Click on Accepted once reviewed that all information is correct.

Once the amendment has been accepted, it will now appear on the finalized document. At the bottom of the PDF document, you will see all amendments that were made. 


Reviewing All Amendments

Users will be able to see the list of all amendments done for the patient under the Amendments tab in the Patient Dashboard. 

It will show the date the amendment has been created , date accepted, information entered on the amendment. There is a status column to easily determine if the Amendment is still pending to be accepted.