Patient Dashboard - Uploads

Uploading Documents 

In Touch EMR allows you to upload external documents to a patient record such as medications list, Rx from the referring physician, or any other note that is relevant to patient care.

To upload documents to a patient file, go to the Patient Dashboard, and hover on the Uploads tab at the top. You will then be given two options: ADD or VIEW



Steps in Uploading a document 

Click on ADD to upload a new document such as a medications list, signed plan of care or any other external record. This new page will appear

  1.  Click the + Choose button to locate your external document from your desktop/drive folder location adjacent to Upload Selector.
  2. Choose your Upload Classification
  3. Enter a Title of Upload
  4. Enter the Upload Date
  5. Then when you are done, click Upload File
  6. A blue notification box saying the upload has been successful will appear and will direct you to the Uploaded Files section to review the document you have uploaded. 

To view Uploaded Files 

To review all previous files that has been uploaded, click on the View option under the Uploads Tab in the Patient dashboard

The Uploaded Files will show you the type of file uploaded, title and date it was uploaded. 

You will also have the ability to do the following: 

  1. View - once you click on the view button, it will automatically download the file into your local computer
  2. Edit - once you click the edit button, a pop up will appear that will allow you to edit the title of the document
  3. Delete -  the X icon is to delete the uploaded file