One-Click Automatic Patient Chart Creation

A patient chart can automatically be created during the "Eligibility Verification" process. It is very important that you register new patients in In Touch Biller Pro, and generate a patient chart number before scheduling any appointments for that patient. This will help ensure that any information (such as appointments) associated with that particular patient will be transferred correctly over to In Touch EMR. To run Eligibility Verification for a new patient, first, click on "Eligibility Requ...

Manual Patient Entry

There are 2 ways to get to the Register a Patient page, you can click it from the Home Page Shortcuts or from the Patient tab at the top. - Enter the required Patient Demographic and Contact Information. - All highlighted fields are required and all other data is optional. - Save your information before proceeding to the next step. Notes About Account Type - Is optional and should be selected if the patient requires a duplicate chart (e.g., the patient requires both a personal medical chart a...

Uploading a Patient List in Bulk

In order to import patient data into In Touch Biller Pro, you will first need to export the patient data from your previous EMR/Billing system. Existing patient data will need to be entered into a .CSV formatted file before it can be uploaded in In Touch Biller Pro. A sample file is available to used and can be accessed by going to: 1. Patients from the top menu 2. Click on Patient Roster 3. Then click on Download Sample File. The first step in transitioning away from your existing system ...