Certification List

Certification Tracking

When a document is faxed to a physician, users will have the ability to keep track which documents needs to be returned with the physician signature. That is called the  ‘certification list’.

To add a document to the certification list, right click on the document and choose the Add to Certification List Option. 

The Add to certification list option is also available to the Plan of Care. 

There will be a blue confirmation notification once the document or Plan of Care has been added to the Certification List. 



A red dot icon next to the documentation or Plan of Care will appear as a notification that the document has been added to the certification list but is still pending. Document remains in the pending queue of the physician certification list, until the users mark them as completed. Completed is when the clinic has received the documents or Plan of Care back and signed by the physician. 

Accessing the Certification List 

To access the list of all documents that are in the Certification List, under the patient chart click the Edit Patient tab and choose the Certification List. 

In this page, you will see the following tabs:

  • Pending Documents
  • Completed Documents
  • Pending Plan of Care
  • Completed Plan of Care

Both the Pending Documents and Pending Plan of Care will have the following options

  • Fax Icon - the users will have the ability to fax the document from this page
  • PDF Icon - this will allow the users to view the document that has been sent
  • Remove - this will remove the pending document or Plan of Care from the certification list
  • Tick Box - this is to select the document from the list
  • Complete Certification - Once clicked this will add the document to the completed list
  • Upload Script - users can upload files that are received by clicking this option 


Completing a Pending Certification 

Once the signed document has been received from the physician, you will need to mark that document or Plan of Care as completed to remove it from the Pending list of certification. 

To do so, choose the pending document or Plan of Care from the list by ticking the box next to it and click on Complete certification. 

A pop up box will appear asking the users to provide a note and date of certification. Click on add note or add note and submit once done. 

It will provide a blue pop up confirmation box notifying that the document has been successfully added to the Completed list. 

 The completed list will show the note that was added to the certification list during completion , date when the document was fax, date when the document was received, date when the document was completed. 


Tracking all Pending and Completed Certification 

To make it easier for the clinic to keep track of all the pending and completed certification within the clinic, go to the Patients tab and click Certification List. 

Click here to review the lesson on how to generate a report on certification list 


Auto Certification Feature

In Touch EMR has created a feature that will allow users to automatically add the Plan of Care, Progress note and Re-evaluation for a Medicare patient to the certification list after it has been faxed. 

By default, auto certification is set to 'No'. But when set to Yes it makes it easier so that the user do not have to go through the process of adding the documents or plan of care to the list. 

This feature can be turned on per user. To review the lesson on how to set up staff profile and features, click here.