Before importing contacts, a signed application is required to ensure that the User is aware and shall abide by our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use, as well as the regulations of the Mobile Marketing Association (MMA), Federal Trade Commission (FTC), and other government organizations. Please print, sign, and submit the application.
Please ensure that the Import Certification has been approved prior to importing/adding new contacts. Please click here for the steps in completing and submitting the import certification form.
To add contacts in bulk, go to the Collect Tab and choose Add/ Import Contacts
Scroll down to the bottom, where it says "Import Contacts", and choose a Distribution list in the contact list where this new contact should be added. Click here for instructions on how to create a Distribution List
Tick the box to agree to the terms and conditions. Then click the button Continue.
Indicate preferences on Handling Invalid Contacts and Existing Contacts.
Make sure that the list is in a .csv file prior to uploading.
Choose the .CSV file from the computer.
Please be sure that the “Header Column,” which refers to the data in the .CSV file, corresponds to the “Maps to Field” column, which is how it will be stored within the Clinical Contact system. The User must select at least one data field. Once all of the data fields have synced, click the Import button.
Click on the Import button.