Adding Contacts One by One

Before importing contacts, a signed application is required to ensure that the User is aware and abide by our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use, as well as the regulations of the Mobile Marketing Association (MMA), Federal Trade Commission (FTC), and other government organizations. Please print, sign, and submit the application.

Please ensure that the Import Certification has been approved prior to importing/adding new contacts. Please click here for the steps in completing and submitting the import certification form.

To add the contacts one by one, go to the Collect Tab and choose Add/ Import Contacts


Enter the following information: 

  • Name
  • Email Address
  • Phone number
  • Birthday
  • Age

Once all this information has been provided, choose a  Distribution list in your contact list where you would like to add this new contact. Click here for instructions on how to create a Distribution List


Tick the box to agree to the terms and conditions. Then click the button Create Contact. 

Once a contact has been successfully created, this page will display all the contact details: