Patient Authorization
Authorizations from insurance payers can be managed in In Touch Biller Pro, directly from the Patient Dashboard.
Once you are on the desired patient record in In Touch Biller Pro, scroll down to the bottom and you will see the Authorizations section.
Linking Patient Appointments With the Payer Authorization on File
In Touch Biller Pro allows you to link a patient authorization to their appointments, in order for the system to keep track of how many visits are remaining on the current authorization.
In Touch Biller Pro will alert you once a patient is getting close to their authorization visit limit, so you can obtain an updated authorization if applicable.
To link an existing authorization to the patient’s appointment:
Hover your mouse over the appointment date in the Appointments section of the patient dashboard.
Click on View / Edit Appointment
View / Edit Appointment Screen
1. From the View / Edit Appointment screen, scroll down and look for the Patient’s Condition related to: section.
2. Choose the authorization number on the Prior Authorization drop down menu (abbreviated as Prior Auth).
3. Click Save Appointment when you are done.
Now the system will be able to keep track of how many visits the patient has been seen, and alert you when their current authorization limit is about to expire.
In Touch Biller Pro will also allow you to link the patient authorization on file to an existing claim.
From the patient dashboard, go to Claim History
User will be redirected to this screen.
1. From this screen (Claim Status) Search Results, you will want to choose the claim from the left hand side and make sure it is highlighted in yellow.
2. Click on Edit icon from the claim details section on the right hand side of your screen; this will take you to the CMS 1500 Claim Submission Form.
On the CMS 1500 Claim form screen, click on Advanced Encounter
This is the Advanced Claim Encounter section.
Under Additional Information, assign the authorization number by choosing from Prior Authorization No. drop down menu.
Note: Do not forget to hit Create Claim found on the bottom of the form.
Adding Authorization Coming from the Calendar Section
To add an authorization to a new appointment, simply create the appointment by going to Schedule > Calendar > Day-View.
This pop up box would appear. Click on Advanced View in the top right hand corner.
Inside the Advanced Appointment View you will enter the authorization information at the bottom by choosing the authorization number from (1) Prior Authorization drop-down menu.
Make sure to hit (2) Save Appointment when you are finished.
Can I Keep Track of Authorizations?
Authorizations can be found on the lower right section of the patient chart.
To view and/or track authorizations for a specific patient, simply pull up the patient’s chart and scroll down to the bottom.
Authorizations - Other Sections
The authorization section also allows you to do the following:
1) New Authorization – click this to navigate to the Authorization section of the Registration feature and create a new authorization.
2) Manage Authorizations – click this to navigate to the Authorization portion of the Registration feature and edit the selected authorization.
Note: Authorizations cannot be viewed as an overall list, only on a patient-by-patient basis.