Report Manager

One way to have an organized report of your messages is through Report Manager. 


How to Create a Report Manager

To create a report manager, simply hover your mouse on the Analyze tab, and click on Report Manager. 


Once on the Report Manager tab, click on Create, and it will prompt you to the next page.

  1. Report Name - This will serve as the title of the report.
  2. Description - This is where you would describe what the report is all about.
  3. Date  Range - This is for the duration of the report. It can be on a Fixed Period or Unlimited.
  4. Create - Click on this button to finalize your report manager. 

Once you created one it will now go back to the main Report Manager Tab, and you will see there the report manager you just created. 


How to Use Report Manager

Every time you send a message, either through SMS or Email, there would be an option there if you want to include the message on your report manager. For the lesson on how to send a message, click here

If you selected a report manager when sending a message, once you go to your report manager you will see your subscriber activity and the message results.